An Investment in Downtown Atlanta’s past is also an investment in its future

By Charles Pinkham

As Atlanta’s population continues to grow and its industries continue to expand, the city’s historic buildings help to tell the story of Atlanta’s evolution.

Modern Downtown Atlanta, an initiative led by a partnership between Central Atlanta Progress and the city of Atlanta, and funded by a grant from the Georgia Historic Preservation Division of the Department of Natural Resources, is taking the lead on Atlanta’s first comprehensive approach to preservation. Traditionally, buildings are individually placed on the historic registry, but Modern Downtown Atlanta is embracing a larger vision.

Placing both buildings and districts on the national registry will accelerate the revitalization of downtown Atlanta. By facilitating the use of federal and state tax credits, the value of which can equate to upwards of 20 percent of applicable hard costs put into the redevelopment, the district will help developers undertake significant renovations of historic buildings in ways that otherwise would not be economically feasible, spurring additional investment in surrounding buildings, bringing more and businesses to the area and reinvigorating downtown.

Read the full story here.